Saithe (Atlantic pollock)

About Saithe

Latin name: Pollachius virens

Faroese name: Upsi

The saithe is a codfish, with similarly firm and flaky flesh. Its firm texture makes the saithe easy to handle and, like other white fish, there are many different ways to prepare it. Its rich fishy flavour makes the saithe ideal for spicy dishes and dishes with strong and full flavours. Saithe is easy to deep fry and is one of the best fish to use for fishcakes and croquettes.

Saithe is often overlooked due to the darker colour of its raw flesh, even though it becomes lighter after cooking.

The taste is more characteristic than with other white fish and saithe has a distinctive flavour and a more concentrated taste of fish. This is why saithe is often the preferred choice for those wanting a rich taste of fish. Saithe is also often cheaper than cod and haddock, making it both an economical and quality choice of fish.

Saithe is also very healthy, being rich in protein, vitamin D, vitamin B and selenium.


Our production

Our saithe production is defined by the customer. This includes both the sizes, gradings and packages. Our Saithe production consists of the following products:

Interleaved (skinless or skin on)

The interleaved fillets are packed into a 6,804 kg H-liner block with blue plastic bag sheets in between each layer.

H-liner with interleaved fillets

Portions, loind and tails

We produce frozen boxes of skinless and boneless portions, loins and boxes of skinless and boneless tails. If requested the products can be produced with skin on.

Tails packed in 5 kg boxes
Tails packed in a big box

Minced or bits & pieces

The segments of the saithe fillet are used to produce frozen blocks of mince. The belly flaps are used to produce frozen blocks of bits and pieces. The mince is minced in a mincer with maximum 3 mm hole size. The mince or bits and pieces is weighted into fully waxed cardboard liner, packed and frozen.

H-liner with minced saithe

Additional information

Contact our quality manager for additional informations and productdatasheets