
About Herring

Latin name: Culpea harengus

Faroese name: Sild

Herring is both a delicious and healthy food and this bright and shimmering fish has a central role in Nordic food culture. The large consumption of herring worldwide means that the Atlantic herring has also had economic and social significance throughout history. It has even been referred to as the “silver darling” and “silver of the sea”.

The Atlantic herring is a fatty and oily fish, with an enticingly rich, clean and salty taste.Fresh herring has an off-white, soft and chewy meat, but the texture and taste will vary depending on how you prepare it. This glistening silver-skinned fish can be prepared and enjoyed in many different ways – pickled, smoked, salted, grilled, fried or cooked.

The Atlantic herring is full of healthy proteins and Omega-3 fatty acids and is rich in vitamin D and selenium.

In the cold, clean waters of the North Atlantic, herring matures slowly, and this produces some of the best tasting fish one can imagine.

Herring has been a staple in the North European diet for centuries, the Faroe Islands included, and maintains a central place in Nordic cuisine. This is especially true of pickled herring, which is included in many lunch and dinner meals around holidays such as Easter and Christmas

Source: faroeseseafood

Our production

The herring is machine-cut into small 30mm pieces.

The herring bites are then marinated or spiced into plastic barrels.